
Case Study – Physical and Virtual Exercises in Aging

Thaís Sporkens-Magna, Luiz Rogério Scudeletti,Luis Guilherme Silva Rodrigues,Alexandre Fonseca Brandão,José Remo Ferreira Brega, Paula Teixeira

PAJAR - Pan American Journal of Aging Research(2023)

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Virtual reality is already considered an innovative method in the process of rehabilitation and motivation of elderly people in adhering to conventional interventions and in the practice of physical exercises. There are several benefits achieved in this population using Virtual Reality and physical exercise, among which we highlight: balance, muscle strength, gait and cognitive function. Objective: to compare the evolution of cognitive (executive function), physical (gait, balance and lower limb strength) and emotional factors (satisfaction with life and quality of life) in 5 months of intervention, relating the practice of physical exercise with Virtual Reality. Methods: Two elderly people, 80 and 85 years old (male and female), were recruited for this pilot study, who performed the following procedures: eMaps virtual stationary gait software (StreetView) and stretching, relaxation and walking activities. The instruments used in both applications (initial time and after 5 months) were: Questionnaires for the identification and exclusion of dementias (identification form, Mini Mental State Examination, and Dementia Scale, Physical Performance Test, Stroop Test, Life Satisfaction Scale and Inventory of Attitudes Related to Technology. Results: The association of virtual physical exercise and conventional physical exercise increased executive function by 38.5%, mobility, balance, lower limb strength by 20.55%, life satisfaction by 12.5% ​​and the relationship with technology by 13.5%. Conclusion: We emphasize the importance of using Virtual Reality associated with conventional physical exercise in promoting healthy aging, enhancing the physical and emotional skills of the elderly.
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