
Youth exposure to gender-based violence

Elsevier eBooks(2023)

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Gender-based violence (GBV) includes acts of violence that are directed towards an individual rooted in the desire for power and control, and based on sex, gender identity, or gender expression. GBV can include dating or intimate partner violence, sexual violence, femicide, genital mutilation or cutting, human trafficking, and online or digital forms of violence. This entry examines youth exposure to GBV, with a particular focus on the risk and protective factors within the family, as well as family-based programs and interventions. Youth between the ages of 11 and 18 are exposed to GBV at alarmingly high rates, which can place them at risk for health, social, and behavioral concerns, societal costs, and impact others in their life. We begin this entry with a conceptualization of GBV. Next, we illuminate the historical and current context, and discuss adolescence as a developmental period of heightened risk for GBV. We review the literature and prevention strategies surrounding adolescent dating violence and sexual violence, focusing on family-based approaches. Next, we posit recommendations for future research—we highlight the work of scholars who elevate the importance of an intersectionality framework, and we urge researchers to continue building scholarship in GBV measurement. Researchers should also continue building longitudinal evidence of possible risk and protective factors, especially in families and communities. Given the historical context, norms, and societal beliefs that have perpetuated GBV, scholars also need to be bringing in macro-level influences into the interpretation of their research and prevention strategies. Finally, there is an increasing need to bridge school-based work with family- and community-based prevention for a more comprehensive approach that shifts contexts rather than individual people. Across these recommendations, we hope to see adolescent GBV research and prevention as a top priority for global and local organizations, scholars, and practitioners.
youth exposure,violence,gender-based
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