Blockchain Technology for Food Supply Chain Traceability and Authentication

Paolo Barge, Matteo Antonio Angelo Franchetto, Valeria Maritano,Cristina Tortia,Paolo Gay,Claudio Schifanella,Federica Cena

Lecture notes in civil engineering(2023)

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To enhance food quality and value, transparent traceability systems, also proofed by authentication methods, are used to give information about the product from the primary production stages to the selling point. Nowadays, information is accessed in multi- or omni- channel (websites, mail, app, social media). Data analytics and Artificial Intelligence can then highly enhance marketing strategies. Furthermore, there is a high demand of proof of authenticity systems able to certify high-value food credential attributes. Thus, in this paper a blockchain-based system is proposed to manage and certify traceability information and, therefore, the authenticity of food products. In the context of the PININ project, the traceability of dairy supply chains has been considered. A decentralized application (DApp) has been developed for the registration of the collected traceability data in a consortium blockchain, where a limited number of actors can submit transactions and access data. The DApp also allows the publication of recorded data in a regional blockchain to render them publicly available. A mobile application has been developed to connect the physical products with their digital twins. By means of a QR code printed on labels, certified data are then available to food supply chain public and private stakeholders. Electronic collars equipped with GPS and Bluetooth systems have been also developed to geo-referencing cattle in mountain pastures. The acquired data, recorded in the blockchain, allow competent authorities to securely verify the position of the animals for the correct disbursement of European funds to farmers, thus preventing frauds.
food supply blockchain traceability,supply blockchain
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