Joint Optimization of Beamforming and Noise Injection for Covert Downlink Transmissions in Cell-Free Internet of Things Networks.

IEEE Internet Things J.(2024)

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The development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems has given rise to security concerns stemming from the exposure of wireless channels and the exponential growth of connected devices. The security challenges can be severer in the next-generation IoT systems that can disperse over large areas under a cell-free (CF) network setting. In this paper, we propose a novel covert downlink transmission scheme that jointly optimizes beamforming and artificial noise (AN) vectors to obscure critical transmissions at an eavesdropper in CF IoT Networks. We classify access points (APs) as information APs (IAPs) and noise APs (NAPs) based on their proximity to the IoT devices. IAPs transmit information while NAPs generate AN to prevent eavesdropping. We derive a closed-form solution for the detection error probability. By using the Lagrangian dual algorithm, the complex logarithmic problem is transformed into sum-of-ratios form. Then, we use semidefinite relaxation (SDR) to maximize the covert transmit rate. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the state of the art, i.e., the suboptimal Rand-AP scheme, by increasing the transmission rate by more than 23% while maintaining covertness and is better than the rest of the benchmark schemes.
Covert communication,artificial noise,cell-free networks,Internet of Things
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