
Metabolic-Stress Markers Underlying Lipo-Glucotoxicity Course of Obesity to Coronary-heart Disease: Relationship with Physical Inactivity

Medicine &amp Science in Sports &amp Exercise(2023)

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INTRODUCTION: Previous surveillance of our study showed 61.1% MetS, 59.2% NAFLD, 39% obesity(ob), 37.8% hypertriglyceridemic -waist (TG-WC), high-risk atherogenesis (PAI > 0.21) 32.1%, high-risk of CHD (Framingham Score, FS > 20%) 31.4%, 17.2% T2D(>_126mg/dL), 10.3% low-muscle mass(MMI < P10) and 0.6% of hepatic fibrosis (HFI > 0.676). Furtheron, it was shown behavioral influences on these NCDs. PURPOSE:To investigate the physical inactivity charge on the stress mechanisms underlying the course of obesity to CHD. METHODS: Baseline data from 1,171 participants of the dynamic cohort “Move for Health” (2005 to 2019) were used, including clinical, physical activity and fitness, along with body composition and plasma analysis for diagnosing NCDs and metabolic stresses of inflammation, oxidative and insulin resistance. Statistical comparisons were for p = 0.05. RESULTS: Inflammatory stress(IS = hs-CRP > 0.3 mg/dL) increased (1.69X) the rates of NAFLD,PAI,T2D and high-FS, also theTG-WC(1.67X) and ob(1.32X). Oxidative stress levels (OxS = MDA > p75 = 0.75umol/L) increased the rates of HFI(3.33X), high-FS(3.02X), high-PAI(3.01X), T2D(3.0X), NAFLD (2.03X) and TG-WC (1.52X). Insulin resistance (IR = HOMA-IR > 3.5) increased the rates of HFI(1.67X), T2D(1.64X), high FS(1.58X) and high-PAI(1.46X). From these, were assigned the states of lipotoxicity(WC ob,TG-WC, NAFLD and high-PAI) glucotoxicity (T2D) and lipo-glucotoxicity (MetS, high-HFI and high-FS). IS prevailed in ob(1.32X) against LMM (1.22X) but, only LMM was connected with OxS(3.75X) and IR(2.08X). Overall, the lipo-glucotoxicity states were more dependent on LMM than to ob itself. Similarly physical inactivity and body-unfitness were more related to LMM than to ob. The low performance in LMM was ranked by VO2max. (2.79X), hand-grip strength (2.60X) and flexibility (1.96X). Both, physical inactivity and unfitness (low VO2max. bad hand-grip and bad flexibility) showed association with IS,OxS and IR. Also, the prevalence of lipo-glucotoxicity states increased in association with inadequate IPAQ (<150 min./wk) and with all unfitness markers, doubling the poor VO2max. and poor hand-grip strength. CONCLUSION:The metabolic stress of lipo-glucotoxicity related to NCD worsening evidenced some behavioral background of physical inactivity.
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