Female World Champion Powerlifting At 71: The Benefits Of Exercise At An Older Age


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Demographics indicate that aging is associated with a progressive decline in skeletal muscle mass, strength, and metabolic health. However, these observations are based on population data and certainly do not apply to the individual. PURPOSE: To assess body composition, muscle strength, cardiorespiratory fitness, and metabolic health of a female world champion powerlifter at 71 years of age, who started resistance exercise training at 63 years of age with no prior experience with structured resistance exercise training. METHODS: Body composition (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), strength (One repetition maximum leg press and handgrip strength), cardiorespiratory fitness (peak oxygen consumption: VO2peak), and metabolic health (oral glucose tolerance test, blood pressure) were assessed. In addition, a muscle biopsy was collected to assess muscle fiber cross sectional area (CSA). Where possible, data were compared with sex- and age-matched data obtained in our laboratory. Skeletal muscle mass index was calculated by dividing limb muscle mass by height squared. Data from the control groups are expressed as mean ± 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: Our participant reported a 33% greater skeletal muscle mass index when compared to healthy, older female control subjects (7.9 vs 5.9 (5.7 to 6.2) kg/m2; n = 61). In addition, we observed 37% greater muscle quadriceps CSA (63.8 vs 46.6 (44.5 to 48.7) cm2; n = 48) and 46% greater type II muscle fiber CSA (4536 vs 3097 (2707 to 3488) μm2; n = 19). Absolute leg press muscle strength was 36% greater (190 vs 140 (132 to 147) kg; n = 30) and handgrip strength was 33% greater (33 vs 25 (23 to 26) kg; n = 48) when compared to healthy, age-matched controls. CONCLUSION: From this case study it is evident that even at an older age, improvements in body composition and strength can be achieved by regular exercise training up to the level of a world champion.
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