Sex, Gender, and Women's Heart Health: How Women's Heart Programs Address the Knowledge Gap

Mahraz Parvand, Siavash Ghadiri,Emilie Theberge, Lisa Comber,Kerri-Anne Mullen, Natasha Prodan Bhalla, Denise Johnson, Gayl Mckinley,Tara L. Sedlak

CJC OPEN(2024)

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This article aims to bridge existing knowledge gaps that impact clinical cardiovascular care and outcomes for women in Canada. The authors discuss various aspects of women's heart health, emphasizing the efficacy of multidisciplinary care in promoting women's well-being. The article also identifies the impact of national women's heart health campaigns and the value of peer support in improving outcomes. The article addresses the particular risks that women face, such as pregnancy -related complications and hormone replacement therapy, all of which are associated with cardiovascular events, and highlights the differences in ischemic symptoms between men and women. Despite improvements in acute event outcomes, challenges persist in accessing timely ambulatory care, particularly for women. Canada has responded to these challenges by introducing Women Heart Programs, which offer tailored programs, support groups, and specialized testing. However, these programs remain few in number and are found only in urban settings. Overall, this review identifies sex and gender factors related to women's heart health, underscoring the importance of specialized programs and multidisciplinary care in improving women's cardiovascular health.
heart health,heart programs address,gender
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