Assessing the Relationship Among Energy, Economy, and Environment with a Special Reference to India

Akanksha Singh,Nand Kumar

Lecture notes in civil engineering(2023)

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There exists a complex relationship between energy, economy, and environment. The coupling and coordination development of energy, economy and environment would help to analyze their relationship and it would further provide the basis of rational use. In this paper coupling and coordination are developed for India’s energy, economy, and environment from 2006–2019. The results revealed four patterns such as: (1) The coordination between energy and economy improved with the passing year, it started with mild disorder category in 2006 and reached intermediate coordination in 2018; (2) The coordination between economy and environment showed a frequently unbalanced category only once, in 2016 it improved and reached to primary coordinated category; (3) The coupling and coordination development between energy and economy started with a mild disorder in 2006 and improved in 2008 to barely coordinated, it was stable until 2016 when it further improved to primary coordinated development; (4) The coordination between energy, economy, and environment repeated barely coordinated category most often, although there was an improvement in 2016 to primary coordinated but again in 2018 it deteriorated to barely coordinated. There exists a complex relation between the energy, economy, and environment in which they interact, promote and limit each other. The world at present is in the energy transition phase hence it’s very important to know the relationship between the 3Es for the policy makers so that they can take decision in the right direction.
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