Self-MI: Efficient Multimodal Fusion via Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning with Auxiliary Mutual Information Maximization

Cam-Van Thi Nguyen, Nam Nguyen, Dac‐Nhuong Le,Quang-Thuy Ha

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Multimodal representation learning poses significant challenges in capturing informative and distinct features from multiple modalities. Existing methods often struggle to exploit the unique characteristics of each modality due to unified multimodal annotations. In this study, we propose Self-MI in the self-supervised learning fashion, which also leverage Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC) as an auxiliary technique to maximize the Mutual Information (MI) between unimodal input pairs and the multimodal fusion result with unimodal inputs. Moreover, we design a label generation module, $ULG_{MI}$ for short, that enables us to create meaningful and informative labels for each modality in a self-supervised manner. By maximizing the Mutual Information, we encourage better alignment between the multimodal fusion and the individual modalities, facilitating improved multimodal fusion. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets including CMU-MOSI, CMU-MOSEI, and SIMS, demonstrate the effectiveness of Self-MI in enhancing the multimodal fusion task.
efficient multimodal fusion,multimodal fusion,self-supervised,multi-task
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