Software/Code for "Detecting Critical Nodes in Sparse Graphs via “Reduce-Solve-Combine” Memetic Search"

Informs Journal on Computing(2023)

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This study considers a well-known critical node detection problem that aims to minimize a pairwise connectivity measure of an undirected graph via the removal of a sub-set of nodes (referred to as critical nodes) subject to a cardinality constraint. Potential appli-cations include epidemic control, emergency response, vulnerability assessment, carbon emission monitoring, network security, and drug design. To solve the problem, we present a “reduce-solve-combine” memetic search approach that integrates a problem reduction mechanism into the popular population-based memetic algorithm framework. At each generation, a common pattern mined from two parent solutions is first used to reduce the given problem instance, then the reduced instance is solved by a component-based hybrid neighborhood search that effectively combines an articulation point impact strategy and a node weighting strategy, and finally an offspring solution is produced by combining the mined common pattern and the solution of the reduced instance. Extensive evaluations on 42 real-world and synthetic benchmark instances show the efficacy of the proposed method, which discovers nine new upper bounds and significantly outperforms the cur-rent state-of-the-art algorithms. Investigation of key algorithmic modules additionally dis-closes the importance of the proposed ideas and strategies. Finally, we demonstrate the generality of the proposed method via its adaptation to solve the node-weighted critical node problem.
critical nodes,sparse graphs,memetic search,reduce-solve-combine
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