Personalized medicine and new therapeutic approach in the treatment of pancreatic cancer

Elsevier eBooks(2024)

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Pancreatic cancer (PC) is the seventh most common cause of death with a poor prognosis. Although there are many advanced therapeutic approaches, the 5-year survival rate of PC is approximately 11%, so it is one of the most aggressive cancers. The absence of potential biomarkers for early detection and screening is the main reason for poor prognosis and chemoresistance. Personalized medicine (PM) is an emerging approach using the characteristics and differences of patients in the molecular, physiological, environmental, and behavioral fields for better decision-making. In addition, novel quantitative imaging methods, including radiomic and deep learning, make a new noninvasive PM for a better early diagnosis and treatment of PC. However, PM encounters challenges that should be addressed that slow down its worldwide development, including ethical issues and relatively high costs. Here we summarize the novel therapeutic approaches and emerging research models, including patient derived xenograft (PDX) and 3-dimensional organoids, based on the patient’s tumor profile, which provides a better understanding of tumor and TME behavior and its response to drugs.
pancreatic cancer,personalized medicine,new therapeutic approach
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