Enhancing Learning Outcomes with Interactive Courses

Jozef Kostolny, Veronika Karcolova,Monika Vaclavkova, Linda Blahova

2023 21st International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA)(2023)

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Electronic materials are becoming an increasingly popular addition to education. They can take different forms, and students can accept them in various ways. It is possible to gain the attention of students by making the materials attractive. This attention is returned in a greater interest to study the provided material on the subject, which increases the effectiveness of the whole educational process. The proposed module for interactive courses is part of a modular system that is built on the Docker platform. The course module is designed universally and can be adapted universally for any subject. In this paper, we demonstrate the proposed system to create interactive material for the Principles of Operating Systems class. The system design allows for the division of the material into chapters, which can be displayed in the settings sequentially or after the requirement is met. At the same time, the student is informed where they left off last time. The module is created in a modern design, so it is possible to display it on all types of platforms for maximum user satisfaction.
microservices,module,education,learning materials,system
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