
Feasibility of using chest computed tomography (CT) imaging at the first lumbar vertebra (L1) level to assess skeletal muscle mass: a retrospective study


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Background: Skeletal muscle mass is an essential parameter for diagnosing sarcopenia. The gold standard for assessing skeletal muscle mass is using computed tomography (CT) to measure skeletal muscle area at the third lumbar vertebra (L3) level. This study aims to investigate whether skeletal muscle mass could be evaluated at the first lumbar vertebra (L1) level using images obtained from routine chest CT scans.Methods: Skeletal muscle index (SMI, cm(2)/m(2)) and skeletal muscle density (SMD, HU) are commonly used to measure relative muscle mass and the degree of fat infiltration. This study used CT images at the L1 level to measure the skeletal muscle area (SMA, cm(2)) in 815 subjects from the health examination center. Linear regression analysis was used to explore the association between L1 and L3 measurements. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to assess the predictive performance of L1 SMI for sarcopenia. The sex-specific cut-off values for low skeletal muscle mass in patients under the age of 60 were determined using the following formula: "mean - 1.28 x standard deviation." A multivariate linear regression model was established.Results: A significantly higher SMI at the L1 level was found in males than in females (43.88 +/- 6.33 cm(2)/m(2) vs 33.68 +/- 5.03 cm(2)/m(2); P < 0.001). There were strong correlations between measures at the L1 and L3 levels in both the total subject and sex-specific analyses. A negative association was found between age and L3 SMI in males (r = -0.231, P = 0.038). Both body mass index (BMI) and body surface area (BSA) were positively associated with L1 SMI in both males and females. A multivariate analysis was used to establish a prediction rule to predict SMI at the L3 level. The assessment of consistency and interchangeability between predicted and actual SMI at the L3 level yielded moderately good results. Considering the significant differences observed between male and female participants, the sex-specific cut-off values of the L1 SMI for defining low skeletal muscle mass were 36.52 cm(2)/m(2) in males and 27.29 cm(2)/m(2) in females.Conclusions: Based on a population from central China, the correlated indicators obtained at the L1 level from routine chest CT scans may serve as effective surrogate markers for those at the L3 level in assessing overall skeletal muscle mass.
Sarcopenia,Skeletal muscle mass,Computed tomography,The first lumbar vertebra
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