
The Petrogenesis of Highly Fractionated Gem-Bearing Pegmatites of Malawi: Evidence from Mica and Tourmaline Chemistry and Finite Step Trace Element Modelling


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Late-Pan-African granitic pegmatites in Malawi host gem mineralization (tourmaline, beryl/aquamarine/heliodor). We use major and trace element chemistry of mica and tourmaline as proxies to describe the geochemical characteristics and to analyze the evolution of the pegmatite-forming melts. Trace element contents and ratios of pegmatitic micas and tourmalines show characteristic fractionation trends. Mica from highly fractionated pegmatite typically shows high Rb, Cs, Zn, Nb, Ta, F, and Li concentrations but low Ni, Co, V, Ti and Sc concentrations. In their less fractionated counterparts, these compositional patterns are largely reversed. Exceptions in these element patterns are related to the presence or absence of other phases that may fractionate specific elements more strongly than mica. Tourmaline shows similar fractionation trends in major and trace elements. The observed patterns indicate fractional crystallization as the dominant process of melt evolution. A near exponential decrease of alkali element ratios, such as K/Rb and K/Cs, and an increase in Rb, Cs and Li in white mica from the less to the more strongly differentiated zones suggest Rayleigh fractional crystallization. The modelling of these element ratios shows that in different pegmatite bodies the least differentiated zone formed at a fractionation coefficient of F = 0.35–0.5. Zones of intermediate fractionation show F = 0.85–0.9. Gem mineralization is associated with the most highly fractionated pegmatites or pegmatite zones (F = ~ 0.99). These highly fractionated pegmatites show strong enrichment of Li, Rb and Cs in mica and tourmaline forming from melts rich in incompatible elements. The crystallization of gem phases depended on this highly enriched environment.
Malawi,Pegmatite Zonation,Gem minerals,Rayleigh fractionation,Muscovite trace elements,Tourmaline trace elements
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