Suture Augmentation of a Four-Strand Semitendinosus Graft Improves Time-Zero Biomechanical Properties.

Garrett J Wallace, J Daniel Thompson,Jed A Diekfuss, Allen A Champagne,Gregory D Myer, Jarred Kaiser,Joseph D Lamplot

Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association(2023)

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PURPOSE:To compare the time-zero biomechanical properties of hamstring graft preparations with or without suture augmentation for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) in a full-construct cadaveric model. METHODS:Hamstring grafts were harvested from 24 fresh frozen human cadavers and prepared in 1 of 3 ways: quadrupled SemiTendinosus (SemiT), and quadrupled SemiT with suture augmentation (SemiT+2.0-mm tape or SemiT+1.3-mm tape; n = 8 per group). Adjustable loop suspensory implants and cortical buttons were used for fixation on a porcine tibia and acrylic block. Testing included force-controlled cyclic loading at 250 N and 400 N followed by load to failure. RESULTS:The 2 suture augmentation groups had less total elongation and increased stiffness compared to the nonsuture-augmented group (P = .025). The SemiT+2.0-mm tape group had 36% less total elongation and 34% increased stiffness compared to SemiT+1.3mm tape (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS:Suture augmentation improves construct biomechanics at time zero following hamstring tendon ACLR. Augmentation with 2.0-mm tape suture improves construct biomechanics compared to 1.3-mm tape suture. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:Independent suture augmentation of a quadrupled SemiT graft improves ACLR construct biomechanics. Outcomes were improved with augmentation using 2.0-mm tape suture compared to 1.3-mm tape suture.
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