Offshore Wind Plant Instance Segmentation Using Sentinel-1 Time Series, GIS, and Semantic Segmentation Models


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Offshore wind farms represent a renewable energy source with a significant global growth trend, and their monitoring is strategic for territorial and environmental planning. This study's primary objective is to detect offshore wind plants at an instance level using semantic segmentation models and Sentinel-1 time series. The secondary objectives are: (a) to develop a database consisting of labeled data and S-1 time series; (b) to compare the performance of five deep semantic segmentation architectures (U-Net, U-Net++, Feature Pyramid Network - FPN, DeepLabv3+, and LinkNet); (c) develop a novel augmentation strategy that shuffles the positions of the images within the time series; (d) investigate different dimensions of time series intervals (1, 5, 10, and 15 images); and (e) evaluate the semantic-to-instance conversion procedure. LinkNet was the top-performing model, followed by U-Net++ and U-Net, while FPN and DeepLabv3+ presented the worst results. The evaluation of semantic segmentation models reveals enhanced Intersection over Union (IoU) (25%) and F-score metrics (18%) with the augmentation of time series images. The study showcases the augmentation strategy's capability to mitigate biases and precisely detect invariant targets. Furthermore, the conversion from semantic to instance segmentation demonstrates its efficacy in accurately isolating individual instances within classified regions - simplifying training data and reducing annotation effort and complexity.
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