
Is a Criterion A Trauma Necessary to Elicit Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms?

Journal of psychiatric research(2024)

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Objective: The posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis has undergone substantial revision since its first appearance in the DSM-III. Much of the controversy surrounds the definition of trauma, or Criterion A. Our study sought to evaluate the DSM-5-TR's Criterion A and severity of PTSD symptoms in college students.Method: Participants were 1500 college students who completed an online questionnaire about mental health symptoms. Responses to the Criterion A assessment were double coded by researchers to determine if the DSM-5TR's Criterion A was met. Interpersonal agreement between raters was high (kappa = .81). Participants were compared across groups based on their PTSD Criterion A status: (1) DSM-Congruent, (2) DSM-Incongruent, (3) DSM-Ambiguous, and (4) Denied Trauma, using analysis of variance and multiple regression.Results: Participants who reported a trauma that was coded as Criterion A by researchers had the highest levels of PTSD symptoms, even after controlling for perceived stress, depression, anxiety, and gender (p < .001). Comparing across groups, the DSM-Congruent Criterion A group had significantly higher overall PTSS than those in the DSM-Incongruent Criterion A group and also significantly higher hyperarousal symptoms. However, the DSM-Congruent Criterion A group did not differ from the DSM-Ambiguous trauma group on any PTSD symptom cluster.Conclusions: The lack of significant differences in scores between individuals with DSM- Congruent, DSMIncongruent, and DSM-Ambiguous traumas provides evidence about the subjective nature of trauma and how college-age individuals interpret their symptoms of PTSD. Clinical implications are discussed.
PTSD,Criterion A,DSM-5-TR,College students,Life stress
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