Light-phase prednisone promotes glucose oxidation in heart through novel transactivation targets of cardiomyocyte-specific GR and KLF15

Fadoua El Abdellaoui Soussi,Hima Bindu Durumutla, Hannah Latimer,Ashok Daniel Prabakaran,Kevin McFarland,Karen Miz, Kevin Piczer, Cole Werbrich,Mukesh K Jain,Saptarsi M Haldar,Mattia Quattrocelli


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Circadian time of intake determines the cardioprotective outcome of glucocorticoids in normal and infarcted hearts. The cardiomyocyte-specific glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is genetically required to preserve normal heart function in the long-term. The GR co-factor KLF15 is a pleiotropic regulator of cardiac metabolism. However, the cardiomyocyte-autonomous metabolic targets of the GR-KLF15 concerted epigenetic action remain undefined. Here we report that circadian time of intake determines the activation of a transcriptional and functional glucose oxidation program in heart by the glucocorticoid prednisone with comparable magnitude between sexes. We overlayed transcriptomics, epigenomics and cardiomyocyte-specific inducible ablation of either GR or KLF15. Downstream of a light-phase prednisone stimulation in mice, we found that both factors are non-redundantly required in heart to transactivate the adiponectin receptor expression ( Adipor1) and promote insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, as well as transactivate the mitochondrial pyruvate complex expression (Mpc1/2) and promote pyruvate oxidation. We then challenged this time-specific drug effect in obese diabetic db/db mice, where the heart shows insulin resistance and defective glucose oxidation. Opposite to dark-phase dosing, light-phase prednisone rescued glucose oxidation in db/db cardiomyocytes and diastolic function in db/db hearts towards control-like levels with sex-independent magnitude of effect. In summary, our study identifies novel cardiomyocyte-autonomous metabolic targets of the GR-KLF15 concerted program mediating the time-specific cardioprotective effects of glucocorticoids on cardiomyocyte glucose utilization. ### Competing Interest Statement MQ is listed as co-inventor on a patent application related to intermittent glucocorticoid use filed by Northwestern University (PCT/US2019/068,618). All other authors declare they have no competing interests.
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