Viscosity-dependent determinants of Campylobacter jejuni impacting the velocity of flagellar motility


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Campylobacter jejuni colonizes the thick mucus layer lining the lower intestinal epithelium of hosts to promote commensalism in birds and animals or diarrheal disease in humans. C. jejuni displays higher swimming velocity as external viscosity increases, which likely benefits colonization and persistence in the intestinal mucus layer of hosts. C. jejuni produces one of the most structurally complex bacterial flagellar motors, which has been proposed to generate high torque for high swimming velocity. However, it is unknown how this flagellar motor alters output to impact swimming velocities in a viscosity-dependent manner. In this work, we identified viscosity-dependent determinant A (VidA) (Cjj81176_0996) and VidB (Cjj81176_1107) in modulating swimming velocity primarily in low-viscosity environments. C. jejuni Delta vidA cells were non-motile or swam slowly in low-viscosity media, but swam with high velocity similar to wild-type cells in both Newtonian and non-Newtonian media with high viscosity. These data indicate that VidA is required for swimming in low-viscosity environments. Suppressor mutants suggested that the lower swimming velocity of Delta vidA in low viscosity was due to unregulated activity of VidB, which we propose has a brake- or clutch-like activity to reduce swimming velocity in low viscosity. Unlike other bacterial flagellar brakes or clutches, we found no evidence for cyclic diguanylate monophosphate influencing VidB activity. Our analyses suggest that the mechanics of the C. jejuni flagellar motor has naturally evolved for high-velocity swimming in milieus with high viscosity and requires the unique combination of VidA and VidB to modulate its activity to slow swimming velocity in low-viscosity environments.
flagellar motility,viscosity,swimming velocity,Campylobacter jejuni
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