
Critical Functions of Soil Components for in Situ Persulfate Oxidation of Sulfamethoxazole: Inherent Fe(II) Minerals-Coordinated Nonradical Pathway.

Environmental science & technology(2023)

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Naturally occurring iron (Fe) minerals have been proved to activate persulfate (PS) to generate reactive species, but the role of soil-inherent Fe minerals in activating PS as well as the underlying mechanisms remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated sulfamethoxazole (SMX) degradation by PS in two Fe-rich soils and one Fe-poor soil. Unlike with the radical-dominant oxidation processes in Fe-poor soil, PS was effectively activated through nonradical pathways (i.e., surface electron-transfer) in Fe-rich soils, accounting for 68.4%-85.5% of SMX degradation. The nonradical mechanism was evidenced by multiple methods, including electrochemical, in situ Raman, and competition kinetics tests. Inherent Fe-based minerals, especially those containing Fe(II) were the crucial activators of PS in Fe-rich soils. Compared to Fe(III) minerals, Fe(II) minerals (e.g., ilmenite) were more liable to form Fe(II) mineral-PS* complexes to initiate the nonradical pathways, oxidizing adjacent SMX via electron transfer. Furthermore, mineral structural Fe(II) was the dominant component to coordinate such a direct oxidation process. After PS oxidation, low-crystalline Fe minerals in soils were transformed into high-crystalline Fe phases. Collectively, our study shows that soil-inherent Fe minerals can effectively activate PS in Fe-rich soils, so the addition of exogenous iron might not be required for PS-based in situ chemical oxidation. Outcomes also provide new insights into the activation mechanisms when persulfate is used for the remediation of contaminated soils.
soil-inherent Fe(II) minerals,persulfate,electron transfer,SMX degradation
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