Performance of the Full-equipped Spin Flip Chopper For Neutron Lifetime Experiment at J-PARC

K. Mishima, G. Ichikawa, Y. Fuwa, T. Hasegawa, M. Hino, R. Hosokawa, T. Ino, Y. Iwashita, M. Kitaguchi, S. Matsuzaki, T. Mogi, H. Okabe, T. Oku, T. Okudaira, Y. Seki,H. E. Shimizu,H. M. Shimizu, S. Takahashi, M. Tanida, S. Yamashita, M. Yokohashi, T. Yoshioka


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To solve the ``neutron lifetime puzzle,'' where measured neutron lifetimes differ depending on the measurement methods, an experiment with pulsed neutron beam at J-PARC is in progress. In this experiment, neutrons are bunched into 40-cm lengths using a spin flip chopper (SFC), where the statistical sensitivity was limited by the aperture size of the SFC. The SFC comprises three sets of magnetic supermirrors and two resonant spin flippers. In this paper, we discuss an upgrade to enlarge the apertures of the SFC. The improved SFC achieved a signal-to-noise ratio of 250--400, which is comparable to the previous one. The statistics per unit time of the neutron lifetime experiment increased 2.8 times with the upgrade. Consequently, the time required to reach an accuracy of 1~s in the neutron lifetime experiment was reduced from 590 to 170~days, which is a significant reduction in time. This improvement in statistical accuracy will also contribute to the reduction of systematic uncertainties, such as background evaluation, fostering further advancements in the neutron lifetime experiments at J-PARC.
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