
Applying the Universal Version History Concept to Help De-Risk Copy-Based Code Reuse.

2023 IEEE 23rd International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)(2023)

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The ability to easily copy code among open source projects makes it difficult to comply with the need to determine the provenance of code essential for cybersecurity and for complying with the licensing terms. Such provenance encompasses the exact origin of each component and its license, and various qualities of the component, such as absence of vulnerabilities and high likelihood of future maintenance. With the aim to address these challenges, we created an approach supported by a tool prototype, UVHistory, that links each piece of source code to all projects where it resides and, also, to its version histories in all these projects. This combined version history of a file from all open source projects we refer to as universal version history. We exemplify UVHistory via scenarios illustrating how it can help developers identify bugs and vulnerabilities and verify that license terms are not violated. Specifically, using UVHistory, developers can find the origin of a file including the open source repository where it originated, follow the evolution of the file over time and across different repositories, identify which authors have worked on a file, and read all the log messages for any modifications to that file in any repository. We also evaluate UVHistory in two contexts: to identify license non-compliance and to find instances of unfixed vulnerabilities. We find that in active and popular projects both problems are common and anyone can easily identify them using our approach.
copy-based code reuse,security vulnerabilities
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