Evaluation of Rotor Pole Impact on Electromagnetic Performance of Non-Overlapped Winding Dual Stator Wound Field Flux Switching Machine

Wasiullah Khan, Naqash Mughal, Muhammad Shaheer Ahmad,Faisal Khan,Wasiq Ullah,Udochukwu Bola Akuru

2023 International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICT-PEP)(2023)

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In this paper, the non-overlap winding dual stator wound-field excited flux switching machine (NOWDSWFFSM) is designed, evaluated, optimized, and compared with different rotor poles for wind power generation. In the proposed machine, the concentrated non-overlap winding (NOW) which reduces the copper losses is used as against well-known overlap winding topology on the proposed machine with six different rotor poles (8, 10, 14, 16, 20 & 22) to predict the electromagnetic performance based on finite element analysis (FEA). The initial results show the 10 and 14 pole machines as best candidates which are then selected for further performance improvement based on deterministic optimization. The overall optimal performance shows the 14-pole machine as the overall best candidate for the proposed wind generator.
dual stator wound-field excited flux switching machine (DSWFFSM),electromagnetic performance,finite element analysis (FEA),non-overlap winding (NOW),wind generator
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