Heart Failure Promotes Cancer Progression in an Integrin β1-Dependent Manner.

Irina Langier Goncalves,Lama Awwad,Sharon Aviram, Talel Izraeli,Laris Achlaug,Ami Aronheim

International Journal of Molecular Sciences(2023)

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Heart failure and cancer are currently the deadliest diseases in the Western world, posing the most pressing clinical challenges that remain unmet today. Both conditions share similar risk factors, including age, genetics, lifestyle, chronic inflammation, stress, and more. Furthermore, medications that are being used to counteract cancer frequently result in cardiotoxicity and the spontaneous emergence of heart failure. Thus, heart failure and cancer display an intimate connection and share similarities. Recent studies show that cardiac remodeling and heart failure promote cancer progression and metastasis. Using three different mouse models for heart failure revealed that the communication between the remodeled heart and the tumor is facilitated through multiple secreted factors. Among these factors, Periostin was consistently found to be elevated in all models and was shown to be required in vitro. Yet, whether Periostin is necessary for tumor promotion in vivo is unknown. Towards this end, we examined tumor promotion in mice lacking PeriostinPeriostinIntegrin β1Integrin β1Integrin β1
cardiac remodeling,cardiac dysfunction,cancer,Integrin β1,Periostin
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