Clinical Presentation of Schnitzler's Syndrome: A Rare Autoimmune Disease

Vishal Patel, Darshana Balasubramaniam, Vanessa Cavero-Chavez,Lyda Cuervo-Pardo,Catalina Sanchez-Alvarez

Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports(2023)

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Schnitzler's Syndrome (SS) is a rare late-onset acquired autoinflammatory disorder which consists of chronic urticaria associated with a monoclonal IgM-kappa gammopathy, arthralgias, skeletal hyperostosis, lymphadenopathy, and recurrent constitutional symptoms. The average age of diagnosis is 51 years with a slight male predominance with a male to female ratio of 1.6. Diagnosis of SS requires the presence of 2 major criteria including chronic urticaria and monoclonal IgM along with at least two of the following minor criteria: recurrent intermittent fevers, bone pain, arthralgias, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), neutrophilic dermal infiltrate on skin biopsy, and leukocytosis or elevated C-reactive protein (CRP). Early diagnosis and clinical awareness are paramount in SS as it is associated with a 15-20% risk of lymphoproliferative malignancy. The median overall survival is 12.8 years. We present a case of a 39-year-old female with new onset urticaria associated with recurrent fevers and joint pain. Symptoms were refractory to steroids, and high dose antihistamines. Multi-disciplinary evaluation resulted in the ultimate diagnosis of Schnitzler's Syndrome. The patient was ultimately treated with canakinumab (Il-1 inhibitor), with near resolution of symptoms. This case demonstrates the importance of a broad differential diagnosis and maintaining a high clinical suspicion for rare diseases when presented with a complex form of an otherwise common condition.
allergy,immunology,rheumatology,hematology oncology,diagnostic testing
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