
Population Genetic Characterization of Theileria Annulata Based on the Cytochrome B Gene, with Genetic Insights into Buparvaquone Susceptibility in Haryana (India)

Acta tropica(2024)

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The present investigation was aimed at population genetic characterization of Theileria annulata on the basis of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene along with the evaluation of status of buparvaquone resistance in Haryana (India). The sequences originating from China, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Tunisia, Turkey and Sudan were included in the analysis. The maximum likelihood tree based on the Tamura-Nei (TN93+G) model placed all the sequences of T. annulata into a single clade. The median-joining haplotype network exemplified geographical clustering between T. annulata haplotypes originating from each country. Only five haplotypes (7.81 %) were shared between any two countries, while the remaining 59 haplotypes (92.19 %) were singleton and unique to one country. The values of pairwise genetic distance (FST) between all the populations indicated huge genetic differentiation (> 0.25) between different T. annulata populations, barring the FST value between Iraq and Turkey (0.14454) which suggested a moderate differentiation. Contrary to the FST index, the values of gene flow (Nm) between T. annulata populations were very low. The neutrality indices and mismatch distributions indicated a population expansion in the Indian T. annulata population. Furthermore, the secondary structure and homology modeling of the partial cyt b protein is also reported. The molecular analysis of newly generated sequences for buparvaquone resistance revealed that all the isolates were susceptible to buparvaquone treatment. However, two novel mutations at positions V203I and V219I in between the Q01 and Q02 drug-binding regions of the cyt b gene were observed for the first time.
Theileria annulata,Cyt b gene,Phylogeny,Population structure,Haplotype network,Buparvaquone resistance
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