
Use of Geographic Information System and Digital ElevationModel to Analyze the Hydro-Morphometric Characteristics of the Tshopo River Sub-Catchments, Democratic Republic of Congo

Revue Internationale de Géomatique(2023)

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The analysis and quantification of hydro-morphometric characteristics are essential for better management of water resources and more effective planning of hydroelectric projects in the Tshopo basin. Unfortunately, few studies have been carried out to assess these characteristics at the scale of this basin. Our methodological approach consists of using Geographic Information System (GIS) software analysis tools applied to the Digital ElevationModel (DEM) derived from the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) World 3D-30m image. This enabled us to automatically extract the hydrographic network and generate the Tshopo sub-watersheds. The results of this analysis show that the Tshopo catchment area is of the order of magnitude 7. A total of 8 sub-watersheds were identified, covering an area of around 19,335 km(2). They are elongated in shape, with a coefficient of compactness (KG) of between 1.84 and 2.52. Average slopes are low, ranging from 0.84% to 3.58%. Run-off velocity is generally low, with a velocity range (Ve) of 2.3 to 4.79 km/h. The duration of run-off concentration (Tc) varies between 30.2 and 70.2 h in the tributaries of the Tshopo. The hydrographic network is dense, with drainage densities (Dd) ranging from 0.91 to 1.72 km/km(2). The watercourses form a homogeneous dendritic network, but with local variations. In some places, the network can take on a parallel or rectangular shape.
Morphometry,DEM,GIS,hypsometry,hydrographic network,sub-catchments,Tshopo river
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