Recursive Self-Composite Approach Towards Structural Understanding of Boolean Network


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Boolean networks have been widely used in many areas of science and engineering to represent various dynamical behaviour. In systems biology, they became useful tools to study the dynamical characteristics of large-scale biomolecular networks and there have been a number of studies to develop efficient ways of finding steady states or cycles of Boolean network models. On the other hand, there has been little attention to analyzing the dynamic properties of the network structure itself. Here, we present a systematic way to study such properties by introducing a recursive self-composite of the logic update rules. Of note, we found that all Boolean update rules actually have repeated logic structures underneath. This repeated nature of Boolean networks reveals interesting algebraic properties embedded in the networks. We found that each converged logic leads to the same states, called kernel states. As a result, the longest-length period of states cycle turns out to be equal to the number of converged logics in the logic cycle. Based on this, we propose a leaping and filling algorithm to avoid any possible large string explosions during the self-composition procedures. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed approach can be used to reveal interesting hidden properties using Boolean network examples of a simple network with a long feedback structure, a T-cell receptor network and a cancer network.
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