
Non-invasive Fluorescence Imaging of Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Brain in an Orthotopic Nude-mouse Model with Very-narrow-band-width Laser Excitation of Red Fluorescent Protein Resulting in an Ultra-bright Signal Without Skin Autofluorescence.

Yutaro Kubota,Yusuke Aoki, April Wang, Neil Chang, Samantha Tarantino, Sean Gallagher,Takuya Tsunoda,Robert M. Hoffman

In vivo/In Vivo(2023)

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BACKGROUND/AIM:Breast-cancer metastasis to the brain is an intractable disease. To discover improved therapy for this disease, we developed a precise non-invasively-imageable orthotopic nude-mouse model, using very-narrow-band-width laser fluorescence excitation.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Female nu/nu nude mice, aged 4-8 weeks, were inoculated through the midline of the skull with triple-negative human MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells (5×105) expressing red fluorescent protein (RFP). The mice were imaged with the Analytik Jena UVP Biospectrum Advanced at 520 nm excitation with peak emission at 605 nm.RESULTS:Three weeks after injection of MDA-MB-231-RFP cells in the brain, non-invasive fluorescence images of the breast tumor growing on the brain were obtained. The images of the tumor were very bright, with well-defined margins with no detectable skin autofluorescence background. Images obtained at various angles showed that the extent of the tumor margins could be precisely measured. A skin flap over the skull confirmed that the tumor was growing on the surface of the brain which is a frequent occurrence in breast cancer.CONCLUSION:A precise orthotopic model of RFP-expressing breast-cancer metastasis to the brain was developed that could be non-invasively imaged with very-narrow-band-width laser excitation, resulting in an ultra-bright, ultra-low-background signal. The model will be useful in discovering improved therapeutics for this recalcitrant disease.
Breast cancer,brain metastasis,red fluorescent protein,orthotopic,nude mouse,non-invasive imaging,laser,excitation,low background
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