Enhancing Healthcare Professionals' Culinary Skills, Food Management, Counseling Confidence, and Mediterranean Diet Adherence through a Culinary Medicine Boot Camp: A Pilot Implementation Program (PIP)

Joan Fernando, Lucía Alonso, Isabella Gastaldo, Alba Coll, Josep Lozano, Vinicius Martini,Elena Roura, Lina Williamson,Joan Escarrabill,Violeta Moizé


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Introduction: In an era of increasing public awareness regarding the pivotal role of nutrition in the onset and progression of chronic degenerative diseases, there is a growing demand for information and assistance pertaining to the intricate relationship between diet and disease. Nutritional practices, therefore, emerge as a fundamental element in the prevention and management of these maladies, necessitating a proactive response from healthcare professionals (HCP). This study sought to evaluate the impact of participation in a Culinary Medicine (CM) program on Mediterranean diet adherence, food management skills, culinary proficiency, and counseling confidence among HCP. Methods: A mixed-methods pilot implementation program (PIP) was meticulously designed and executed, engaging a cohort of 20 HCP recruited from Hospital Clinic Barcelona. The program unfolded at the Alícia Foundation kitchen-lab and encompassed a series of interactive, hands-on sessions that delved into the realms of gastronomy, food management, culinary skills, and culinary diet therapy, with a specific focus on prevalent diseases and their prevention, treatment, and care. Tailored questionnaires were administered to all participants both before and after the PIP. Results: Of the 20 participants, 14 successfully completed the study, comprising 86% women, 86% aged above 40, 71% nurses, and 7% medical doctors. Interestingly, 86% of the participants had previously received nutrition training, whereas only 14% had received culinary training. Following the completion of the program, there was a remarkable improvement in adherence to the Mediterranean diet (p < 0.01). However, no statistically significant improvements were observed in food management and culinary skills or counseling confidence (p > 0.5). Despite the absence of statistical significance, there was a noteworthy trend towards greater advocacy for dietary changes before resorting to medication, along with enhanced confidence in providing nutritional and culinary guidance to patients. Conclusion: The findings from this study underscore the potential of hands-on CM training as a vital component of nutrition education for HCP. While statistically significant improvements in certain domains were not observed, the program did demonstrate its ability to influence attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors related to healthy cooking and eating for both HCP themselves and their patients. Given these promising trends, future studies with a larger sample size must be performed to further elucidate the impact of CM training on HCP and its potential benefits for public health.
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