
Cultivating the Professional Resilience in University Academics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Steffi Shih May Tan, Rosinah Mahmood,Bhavani Veasuvalingam,Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff

The Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research(2023)

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This study examines professional resilience among university academics during the COVID-19 pandemic by utilising Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of interviews conducted with a diverse group of university academics in EduCity Iskandar, Malaysia. In the academic landscape, resilience holds immense importance, particularly during disruptive events like the global pandemic. While previous research has broadly explored resilience, this study focuses specifically on the under-researched profession-related dimension of higher education. The methodology employed semi-structured interviews guided by IPA principles, involving ten university academics, to gain a comprehensive understanding of their experiences. Data collection and analysis were conducted iteratively, revealing three central themes in their narratives. The results highlight the essential aspects of professional resilience among university academics in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. First, participants exhibited an unwavering commitment to their work and students, driven by a profound sense of responsibility. Second, they displayed adept problem-solving skills and sought innovative solutions to navigate challenges. Third, creativity played a pivotal role as university academics harnessed technology to enhance teaching methods and engage students effectively. These findings propose that higher education institutions should prioritise supporting their academic staff through professional development programs that emphasise commitment towards students, problem-solving and technology integration. Encouraging mentorship and promoting collaboration can further enhance the resilience of the academic community. Future research could explore the impact of interventions based on the identified themes and delve into students' experiences during the pandemic, offering a holistic perspective on resilience in higher education. In conclusion, this research underscores the enduring relevance of resilience in higher education, extending its significance beyond exceptional circumstances to the routine challenges faced by university academics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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