A Shock Stabilization of the HLLC Riemann Solver for the Carbuncle Instability

Journal of Scientific Computing(2024)

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The HLLC approximate Riemann solver improves upon the HLL Riemann solver by resolving contact discontinuities. This is a particularly desirable property for multi-material codes in which problems usually contain material interfaces. However, the HLLC solver is known to suffer from the carbuncle phenomenon, a numerical instability most apparent at grid-aligned shocks in multi-dimensional simulations. Many problems of interest, including high energy-density physics applications, require the accurate resolution of both material interfaces and hydrodynamic shocks. A variety of methods have been developed to cure this instability, with varying degrees of complexity. The objective of this work is to describe a simple approach to modify the HLLC Riemann solver and prevent the carbuncle instability. The method is then demonstrated for assorted two-dimensional test problems known to exhibit the shock instability. The performance of the new solver is compared with that of the standard HLL and HLLC Riemann solvers.
Carbuncle phenomenon,Shock instability,HLLC Riemann solver,76L05,76M12,76N06
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