
Movement-integrated habitat selection reveals wolves balance ease of travel with human avoidance in a risk-reward trade-off

Katrien A. Kingdon,Christina M. Prokopenko, Daniel L. J. Dupont,Julie Turner, Jonathan Wiens, Vanessa B. Harriman,Eric Vander Wal


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Anthropogenic linear features are often linked to alterations in wildlife behaviour and movement. Landscape features such as habitat can have important mediating effects on wildlife response to disturbance and yet is rarely explicitly considered in how it interacts with other features. This study tests the effects of habitat variation on the space-use responses of GPS-collared wolves to linear features in eastern Manitoba. We simultaneously model wolf movement and selection within a conditional logistic regression framework (integrated Step Selection Analysis) with explicit consideration for how habitat alters these responses through either added cover or friction to movement. Classifying linear features based on the selection and movement response of wolves revealed that pairing transmission lines and primary roads increased the avoidance response to be greater than either feature on their own and provided evidence of a semi-permeable barrier to movement. In contrast, features with reduced human activity, including secondary and tertiary roads were highly selected for and provided access to movement corridors. Explicit parameterization of habitat provides evidence that where a linear feature is routed and which habitats it interacts with will have the greatest implications for wolf behavioural responses. Reduction of avoidance behavioural in highly risky environments signifies the importance of habitat for maintaining landscape connectivity, particularly when routing multiple features together. Natural regrowth along these features reduced movement advantages by increasing friction, indicating that actively decommissioning other features such as secondary roads would have important implications for reducing wolf encounters with prey. Knowing the influence of adjacent habitats on the likelihood of wolves selecting for a given linear feature creates context to minimize the impact of new anthropogenic features on behaviour. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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