Efficient Parameter Optimisation for Quantum Kernel Alignment: A Sub-sampling Approach in Variational Training

M. Emre Sahin,Benjamin C. B. Symons,Pushpak Pati, Fayyaz Minhas, Declan Millar,Maria Gabrani, Jan Lukas Robertus,Stefano Mensa


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Quantum machine learning with quantum kernels for classification problems is a growing area of research. Recently, quantum kernel alignment techniques that parameterise the kernel have been developed, allowing the kernel to be trained and therefore aligned with a specific dataset. While quantum kernel alignment is a promising technique, it has been hampered by considerable training costs because the full kernel matrix must be constructed at every training iteration. Addressing this challenge, we introduce a novel method that seeks to balance efficiency and performance. We present a sub-sampling training approach that uses a subset of the kernel matrix at each training step, thereby reducing the overall computational cost of the training. In this work, we apply the sub-sampling method to synthetic datasets and a real-world breast cancer dataset and demonstrate considerable reductions in the number of circuits required to train the quantum kernel while maintaining classification accuracy.
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