A Modified Hyrax Assembly for Intrusion of a Traumatically Extruded Incisor: An Innovative Technique


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This case report demonstrates an innovative technique involving concomitant correction of a traumatic extrusive luxated tooth, the mobility of which was being aggravated by anterior occlusal contacts, along with transverse rapid maxillary expansion to capitalize on the advantage of residual growth and simplify the need for comprehensive fixed orthodontic appliance. By incorporating a molar tube into the acrylic splint of the bonded Hyrax expander adjacent to the buccal surfaces and parallel to the buccal cusps of the maxillary first molars, effective intrusion of traumatically extruded upper incisor was achieved concomitantly using a modified intrusion arch during the passive stabilization period after expansion, thereby reducing treatment time. This enabled the immediate correction of extruded tooth and reduced the overall treatment duration and the complexity of post-expansion fixed mechanotherapy, improving compliance and uplifting the selfesteem of the patient. The modified bonded Hyrax assembly can serve as a versatile interim appliance for the simultaneous management of a variety of orthodontic problems such as crowding, spacing, and incisor proclination without compromising the basic integrity of the bonded assembly.
trauma,orthodontic,molar tube,incisor intrusion,hyrax expander
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