Decoding the "Fingerprint" of Implant Materials: Insights into the Foreign Body Reaction


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Foreign body reaction (FBR) is a prevalent yet often overlooked pathological phenomenon, particularly within the field of biomedical implantation. The presence of FBR poses a heavy burden on both the medical and socioeconomic systems. This review seeks to elucidate the protein "fingerprint" of implant materials, which is generated by the physiochemical properties of the implant materials themselves. In this review, the activity of macrophages, the formation of foreign body giant cells (FBGCs), and the development of fibrosis capsules in the context of FBR are introduced. Additionally, the relationship between various implant materials and FBR is elucidated in detail, as is an overview of the existing approaches and technologies employed to alleviate FBR. Finally, the significance of implant components (metallic materials and non-metallic materials), surface CHEMISTRY (charge and wettability), and physical characteristics (topography, roughness, and stiffness) in establishing the protein "fingerprint" of implant materials is also well documented. In conclusion, this review aims to emphasize the importance of FBR on implant materials and provides the current perspectives and approaches in developing implant materials with anti-FBR properties. Biomedical implants are widely used therapeutic tools for many diseases. However, most implants suffer from the foreign body reaction elicited by the host immune system, which compromises implant functionality and longevity. This review reveals the complex relationship between implant physiochemical properties and foreign body reaction, and provides a comprehensive theoretical framework for designing and fabricating biomedical implants in the future.image
biomaterial surface characterization,foreign body reaction,implant,macrophage
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