Memory-Efficient Personalization using Quantized Diffusion Model

Hyogon Ryu, Seohyun Lim,Hyunjung Shim


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The rise of billion-parameter diffusion models like Stable Diffusion XL, Imagen, and Dall-E3 markedly advances the field of generative AI. However, their large-scale nature poses challenges in fine-tuning and deployment due to high resource demands and slow inference speed. This paper ventures into the relatively unexplored yet promising realm of fine-tuning quantized diffusion models. We establish a strong baseline by customizing three models: PEQA for fine-tuning quantization parameters, Q-Diffusion for post-training quantization, and DreamBooth for personalization. Our analysis reveals a notable trade-off between subject and prompt fidelity within the baseline model. To address these issues, we introduce two strategies, inspired by the distinct roles of different timesteps in diffusion models: S1 optimizing a single set of fine-tuning parameters exclusively at selected intervals, and S2 creating multiple fine-tuning parameter sets, each specialized for different timestep intervals. Our approach not only enhances personalization but also upholds prompt fidelity and image quality, significantly outperforming the baseline qualitatively and quantitatively. The code will be made publicly available.
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