Seasonal Variations on Testicular Morphology, Boar Taint, and Meat Quality Traits in Traditional Outdoor Pig Farming


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Simple Summary This article focuses on the season effect on testicular morphometry and meat quality from outdoor-reared Bisaro pigs. Bisaro, an autochthonous Portuguese breed, is raised for long periods in outdoor pens after puberty and slaughtered around one year old for high-quality meat products. A total of 20 Bisaro boars, aged 13 months at the time of slaughter, were distributed into two groups according to the season at slaughter: Wi (winter) with 9 participants and Su (summer) with 11 participants. Surprisingly, while testicular volume in the Su group suggested lower functionality, boar taint compound analysis showed no significant differences. However, the panelists detected a more pronounced aroma and flavor of boar taint in the summer group. The meat quality traits presented no marked differences, although the fatty acid profile was higher in Wi than in Su. This study suggests the existence of reproductive seasonality in male Bisaro pigs, hinting at a dynamic variation of boar taint compounds throughout the year.Abstract Traditional outdoor pig farming is renowned for its emphasis on animal welfare and the production of highly valued, quality meat. While seasonality is known to impact certain animals, particularly those raised outdoors, there is a lack of research on Bisaro boars, a native Portuguese breed. This research study was conducted on a total of 20 male entire Bisaro pigs, reared in outdoor pens from 4 to 13 months old, and subsequently slaughtered. The animals were divided into two groups: one slaughtered in winter (Wi, n = 9), and the other in summer (Su, n = 11). The objective was to evaluate testicular morphometry, boar taint compounds, and meat quality traits, including sensory analysis and fatty acid profile. Testicles from the Su group exhibited reduced volume, indicating diminished functionality during that season. While no significant differences were observed in the boar taint compound analysis, panelists could discern a more intense aroma and flavor of boar taint in the Su meat. Other meat quality traits showed no significant variations, but the fatty acid profile displayed higher values in the Wi group. This study reveals that Bisaro boars experience reproductive seasonality, leading to variations in boar taint compounds across the seasons. This information is crucial for farm planning.
boar taint,seasonal impact,testicular morphometry,meat quality traits,reproductive seasonality,Bisaro boars
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