Can we avoid axillary lymph node dissection in patients with node positive invasive breast carcinoma?

Susie Brousse, Clementine Lafond, Martin Schmitt, Sophie Guillermet,Sebastien Moliere,Carole Mathelin


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Objectives. - The indications and modalities of breast and axillary surgery are undergoing profound change, with the aim of personalizing surgical management while avoiding over -treatment. To update best practices for axillary surgery, four questions were selected by the Senology Commission of the Colle`ge National des Gyne ' cologues et Obste ' triciens Franc,ais (CNGOF), focusing on, firstly, the definition and evaluation of targeted axillary dissection (TAD) techniques; secondly, the possibility of surgical deescalation in case of initial lymph node involvement while performing initial surgery; thirdly, in case of surgery following neo-adjuvant systemic therapy (NAST), and fourthly, contra -indications to deescalation of axillary surgery to allow access to particular adjuvant systemic therapies. Methods. - The Senology Commission based its responses primarily on an analysis of the international literature, clinical practice recommendations and national and international guidelines. Results. - Firstly, TAD is a technique that combines excision of clipped metastatic axillary node(s) and the axillary sentinel lymph nodes (ASLNs). The detection rate and sensitivity are increased but it still needs to be standardized and practices better evaluated. Secondly, TAD represents an alternative to axillary clearance in cases of metastatic involvement of a single node that can be resected. Thirdly, neither TAD nor ASLN alone is recommended in France after NAST outside of clinical trials, although it is used in several countries in cases of complete pathological response in the lymph nodes, and when at least three lymph nodes have been removed. Fourthly, as some adjuvant targeted therapies are indicated in cases of lymph node invasion of more than three lymph nodes, the place of TAD in this context remains to be defined. Conclusion. - Axillary surgical de-escalation can limit the morbidity of axillary clearance. Having proved that TAD does not reduce patient survival, it will most probably replace axillary clearance in well-defined indications. This will require prior standardization of the method and its indications and contraindications, particularly to enable the use of new targeted therapies. @ 2024 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Breast cancer,Surgery,Targeted axillary,dissection,Sentinel lymph node,Axillary lymph node
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