Performance of Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy-Grown GaInP Photovoltaics with Double-Sided Al-Containing Passivation Layers Under Air Mass 1.5 Global Solar Irradiation and Low-Intensity Indoor Light Irradiation


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High-performance III-V photovoltaic devices have the potential for various applications; however, their high production cost represents a challenge for market expansion. Hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) is a fabrication technology that can reduce the epitaxial growth cost of III-V compound semiconductors. This study demonstrates the performances of HVPE-grown GaInP photovoltaic devices for solar and indoor photovoltaic applications. Herein, HVPE-grown GaInP photovoltaic devices with AlInP frontside and AlGaInP backside passivation layers are fabricated for the first time. The developed GaInP photovoltaic device measured under air mass 1.5 global solar spectrum illumination achieves an independently certified power conversion efficiency of 17.3%, which is a new record efficiency among HVPE-grown GaInP single-junction solar cells. Furthermore, the GaInP photovoltaic device grown using HVPE exhibits a high power conversion efficiency (34.7-37.1%) under an illumination of 500-2000 lux, respectively, emitted by a white light-emitting diode. These results demonstrate that HVPE-grown GaInP photovoltaic devices can be used in low-intensity indoor light energy harvesting systems. The performances of GaInP devices grown using hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) were demonstrated for solar and indoor photovoltaics. An independently certified conversion efficiency of 17.3% was achieved under an illumination of air mass 1.5 global solar spectrum. Furthermore, a conversion efficiency of 34.7% was obtained under indoor light using white LED illumination of 500 lux.image (c) 2024 WILEY-VCH GmbH
GaInP,hydride vapor phase epitaxy,III-V solar cells,indoor light harvesting
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