
Demographics and Clinical Features Associated with Rates of Electronic Message Utilization in the Primary Care Setting

International journal of medical informatics(2024)

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Introduction: Electronic messages are growing as an important form of patient-provider communication, particularly in the primary care setting. However, adoption of healthcare technology has been under-utilized by underserved patient populations. The purpose of this study was to describe how adoption and utilization of electronic messaging occurred within a large primary care urban-based patient population. Methods: In this retrospective study, the frequency of electronic messages initiated by adult outpatient primary care patients was observed. Patients were classified as either non-portal adopters, non-message utilizers, low message utilizers, and high message utilizers. Logistic regression modeling was used to compare factors associated with message utilization rates to determine disparities in access. Results: Among a sample of 27,453 ethnically diverse adult patients from the Houston, Texas Metropolitan area, 33,497 unique messages were sent (1.22 messages/patient). Message burden was predominantly derived by a small number of high utilizers (individuals who sent 3 or more messages), who comprised 15.7 % of the study population (n = 4302) but accounted for 77 % of the message volume (n = 25,776). These high utilizers were typically older, White, English speaking, from middle to upper income zip codes, had higher number of comorbidities, and a higher number of clinical visits. Conclusions: Most inbox messages were generated by a small number of patients. While it was reassuring to see older and sicker individuals utilizing electronic messaging, patients from minority and/or lower income background utilized electronic messaging much less. This may propagate systematic bias and decrease the level of care for traditionally underserved patients.
Electronic messages,Patient-provider communication,Electronic health record,EHR,Patient portals
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