
Late Miocene transition from extension to dextral transtension in the southern Coastal Sonora fault zone, Gulf of California rift, Mexico


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The Coastal Sonora fault zone (CSFZ) in northwestern Mexico records the Pacific-North America plate boundary reorganization during the Miocene from subduction to a transform boundary. This study presents the structural architecture of the Sierra El Aguaje-San Carlos -Guaymas region along the southern part of the CSFZ. The study area shows a complex fault pattern divided into four tectonic domains: ENE-WSW left -lateral, normal, and oblique faults in the Sierra El Aguaje and Cerro El Vigia domains and N-S domino -type normal faults in the El Parral and San Carlos domains, which are separated by the NW -striking dextral San Carlos fault. Based on a new fault -slip dataset and K-Ar ages, we propose a structural evolution model in which deformation progressively evolved from extension to dextral transtension. The deformation history involved -E-W pure extension associated with N-S normal faults from -15.3 Ma to -11-10 Ma, followed by transtension and the development of strike -slip faults after -11-10 Ma. That change induced the reactivation of preexisting faults and local strain partitioning between normal, oblique, and strike -slip faults. Transtension became strike -slip dominated during the latest Miocene and the Pliocene, accumulating -8 km of post -6.3 Ma dextral slip along the San Carlos fault. Paleostress analysis demonstrates that during the extensional phase, 02 and 03 were horizontal and oriented -N-S and -E-W, respectively. The transition to transtension required that 02 reached the lithostatic stress value, its magnitude approached 01, and its orientation remained -N-S. These conditions implied a horizontal tectonic force directed towards the north began after -11-10 Ma in northwestern Mexico. We propose that this new stress regime was related to the end of the Farallon-North America convergence and the inception of the Gulf of California oblique rifting with 01 oriented N-S.
Oblique rifting,Progressive deformation,Transtension,Fault reactivation,Stress analysis,Central Gulf of California
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