An extension of the compound flow theory with shear and friction


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Compound flows consist of two or more parallel compressible streams inside a duct. Its theoretical treatment has recently been applied to model ejectors, but also to post-process and to interpret CFD results. More precisely, it has been observed that compound flows can choke upstream of the geometrical throat. While it is widely known that friction can push the sonic section downstream, no mechanism has been identified to explain the movement in the opposite direction. In this work, we extend the existing compound flow theory with shear and friction. The resulting model captures the up- and downstream movement of the sonic section. We show analytically that shear between the streams is the driving force behind the upstream movement by analysing the singularity of the governing equations in the sonic section. Additionally, we provide a quasi-third order approximation of the governing equations in the vicinity of the sonic section to alleviate potential numerical issues. Finally, we compare the predictions of the model with post-processed CFD results of a compound nozzle. We study the individual effects of shear and friction through an inviscid simulation for the isentropic case and a viscid simulation with a slip or no-slip condition at the wall to include shear with or without friction. The proposed extension offers new possibilities in modelling and analysis of compound flows.
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