
When Should Surgical Treatment of Gartland Type III Supracondylar Humerus Fractures Take Place?

Sakarya Tıp Dergisi(2018)

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Aim:We evaluated the effects of surgery time on clinical and radiological outcomes among Gartland type III Supracondylar humerus fractures (SFH). Method:We retrospectively examined 72 patients treated for Gartland type III SHF. Patient’s age, gender, surgery times, surgery durations, and complications were assessed. The radiological measurements of patients were assessed in comparison to the other elbow by using Baumann's and capitellohumeral anglesResults:72 patients (40 males, 32 females), mean age 7,5years and mean follow-up 41 months. 40 patients were operated on within the first 24 hours, 32 after 24 hours. Thirty-five were operated at night, 37 were on day. Mean surgery duration at night 72 minutes and at daytime 51 minutes. The difference was statistically significant (P lt;0,05). Mean surgery duration at first 24 hours was 61.5±30 minutes, while after 24 hours was 63±15,5 minutes (p=0,63), mean Baumann's angle was 72±6,75 degrees on the operated side, and 70±3,93 degrees on the other side. The difference was statistically significant (p=0,003). While a significant difference existed among the Bauman's angles of night time patients, no such difference was found among daytime patients. The mean carrying angle obtained was 10,3±5,3 degrees on the operated side, and 12,02±3,6 on the other side. The difference was not statistically significant. Similarly, no statistical difference was observed for capitellohumeral angles of patients operated on within and after the first 24 hours were compared to the non-operated side. Conclusion:SHF treatment in ideal conditions results better functional outcomes and fewer complications than immediate surgery under suboptimal conditions.
suprakondiler humerus kırığı,kapalı repozisyon,perkütan pinleme,supracondylar humerus fracture,close reposition,percutaneus pinning
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