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The western extension of Xiahe fault in West Qinling:Discussion on seismogenic structure of Qinghai Zeku MS4.9 earthquake in 2017


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The epicenter of the 2017 Qinghai Zeku MS4.9 earthquake was located near the SN-striking Riyueshan fault, while the focal mechanism solutions and the dominant arrangement of seismic sequence are inconsistent with the Riyueshan fault. In this paper, we have discovered EW- and NW-trending faults near the epicenter, by methods of remote sensing interpretation and field investigation. These faults are western terminal structures of Xiahe fault, in which the EW-trending faults are north-dipping and associated with kinematics including both left-lateral and vertical slip. Meanwhile, we use double differential positioning to relocate seismic sequences of Zeku MS4.9 earthquake. Results show that seismic arrangements consist of two segments striking NW and EW. The seismic profile crossing EW-striking segment indicates a north-dipping fault plane. Well consistence is found between Xiahe fault and seismic arrangements of Zeku MS4.9 earthquake, which leads us to the speculation that the seismogenic fault of Zeku earthquake is Xiahe fault. From a regional perspective, the Xiahe fault might be one strand of dissipating faults in the western end of the West Qinling fault, and the Zeku MS4.9 earthquake represents tectonic activity of the western end of the West Qinling fault. Besides,the northwestward turn of fault striking and reverse slipping of Xiahe fault might also be attributed to the right-lateral shearing effects of Riyueshan fault. Results of this paper highlight the significance of improving active fault traces, especially for the secondary or pre-existing faults in a tectonic active area.
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qinghai zeku ms4.9 earthquake in 2017,seismogenic structure,xiahe fault,west qinling fault,riyueshan fault
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