
A Novel Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction Model Based on Line Subgraph Generation Strategy.

Tian Bai, Chu Li, Xinyue Peng,Haotian Guan, Zefan Zhang,Guishen Wang

2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)(2023)

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Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) prediction task is helpful for better-understanding drugs. In this paper, we propose a novel drug-drug interaction prediction model based on line subgraph generation strategy, named DDI-LSG model. Our DDI-LSG model consists of three main parts which include drug relation graph construction, line subgraph generation strategy, and graph-level classification. To consider more relationships among drugs, we propose a node feature-enhancing method to encode drug features in drug relation graph construction process. To consider drugs and DDI as equivalent factors of our DDI-LSG model, we introduce line graph transformation to integrate DDI with drug feature enhancing vector. Combining Jaccard similarity with cosine similarity, we propose a line subgraph generation strategy to evaluate node relation and extract key structures around target DDI in the line graph. Then, we reformulate the DDI prediction task into a graph-level classification task for the line subgraph of the target DDI. Therefore, in the final part of our DDI-LSG model, we use a graph-level classifier to classify the line subgraphs. Our DDI-LSG model outperforms better experiment results than baselines. Ablation results have validated the node feature enhancing method and line subgraph generation strategy.
drug-drug interaction prediction,node feature enhancing method,line graph,line subgraph strategy,graph-level classification
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