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An Optimized Round Robin Central Processing Unit Scheduling Algorithm with Dynamic Time Quantum

Smitha Nayak,Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Ritvik Nayak Student

2023 Second International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon)(2023)

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Traffic signals ensure safe driving and regulated flow of traffic at road intersections. With increasing number of cars on the roads, it has become very essential to regulate traffic so that mobility of people residing in Oman is much smoother. Controlling road traffic has been a very challenging task especially at the intersections. Conventionally traffic signal control systems are scheduled in such a way that the vehicles at an intersection move in a fixed pre-timed slot manner. This fixed pre-timed controller approach fails to minimize the waiting time of vehicles at the traffic intersections as it does not sense the queue size of vehicles at the traffic signal. Many a times the traffic flow is not uniform, sometimes traffic is more from a particular direction or probably an accident has occurred in that lane which leads to increasing size of the queue and also the waiting time for people in that lane of intersecting road. In such cases it is often seen The Royal Oman Police (ROP) taking over the traffic signals and controlling the flow of traffic for smooth flow of traffic. To overcome this problem an adaptive and intelligent traffic signal control system is proposed in such a way that a traffic signal controller is installed with a wireless sensor which works on the basis of checking the queue size of vehicles in a particular lane and switches to green or stays in green for longer duration for that lane. It also sends an alert to the telecom companies and the radio channels in Oman to inform the slow moving traffic news to the people of Oman.
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Scheduling,RTOS,Round Robin,Priority Scheduling,dynamic quantum,localized sensors,microcontrollers,REST web service,Apache Tomcat
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