
Decreased Neuromuscular Function and Muscle Quality along with Increased Systemic Inflammation and Muscle Proteolysis Occurring in the Presence of Decreased Estradiol and Protein Intake in Early to Intermediate Post-Menopausal Women.

Darryn S. Willoughby,Christine Florez, Jaci Davis, Nikolas Keratsopoulos, Morgan Bisher,Mandy Parra,Lemuel Taylor


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Menopause causes a reduction in estradiol (E2) and may be associated with neuromuscular degeneration. Compared to pre-menopausal (PRE-M) women, this study sought to determine dietary protein intake and whether lower levels of circulating E2 in post-menopausal women (POST-M) were occurring alongside increased levels of biomarkers of axonal and neuromuscular junction degeneration (NMJ), inflammation, muscle protein degradation, and reduced indices of muscle quality and performance. Employing a cross-sectional design, PRE-M (n = 6) and POST-M (n = 6) dietary analysis data were collected and participants then donated a blood and urine sample followed by assessments for body composition, motor unit activation, and muscle performance. Independent group t-tests were performed to determine differences between groups (p ≤ 0.05). In POST-M women, E2, motor unit activity, muscle quality, and muscle performance were significantly less than those for PRE-M women; however, the levels of c-terminal fragment of agrin, tumor necrosis factor-α, and urinary titin were significantly greater (p < 0.05). POST-M women were also shown to be ingesting fewer total calories and less protein than PRE-M (p < 0.05). Reduced E2 and dietary protein intake in POST-M women occurs in conjunction with increased levels of biomarkers of NMJ degradation, inflammation, and muscle proteolysis, which may be associated with reduced motor unit activation and muscle quality.
muscle strength,muscle mass,motor unit,neuromuscular junction,aging
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