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Extended Dissipative Finite-Time Distributed Time-Varying Delay Active Fault-Tolerant Consensus Control for Semi-Markov Jump Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems

IEEE transactions on circuits and systems II, Express briefs(2023)

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This brief solves the problem of extended dissipative finite-time distributed fault estimate (FE) and time-varying delay fault-tolerant consensus control (FTCC) for semi-Markov jump discrete-time nonlinear multi-agent systems (MASs) with actuator faults in undirected topology. For purpose of FE, a distributed intermediate observer is designed to estimate states, faults of agents and an intermediate variable, simultaneously. The intermediate variable is introduced to improve the fault estimation. Based on the utilized estimate information, a distributed time-varying delay fault-tolerant consensus protocol is provided to achieve the finite-time FTCC with the extended dissipativity. A simulation example proves the validity of the proposed scheme.
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Distributed fault estimate,distributed time-varying delay FTCC,finite-time extended dissipativity,semi-Markov jumping,nonlinear multi-agent systems
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