
Maternal Singing Reduced Pain Indexes in 2-Month-old Infants and Increased Proximity During Vaccinations.

Maria Grazia Monaci, Chiara Maria Caruzzo, Romina Raso,Carmen Spagnuolo, Maria Clorinda Benedetti,Didier Grandjean,Manuela Filippa

Acta pædiatrica(2024)

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Aim: Immunisation is a global health priority, but methods of non-pharmacological pain relief are not widely used in routine clinical practice. In this study, we set out to investigate the effects of maternal singing during the routine vaccination of infants.Methods: We recruited 67 mother-infant pairs at Health Centres in the Aosta Region of Italy. Infants aged 2-4 months were randomly allocated to a singing intervention group or to a control group whose injections were administered following standard practice. Pre- and post-immunisation pain was blindly assessed using the Modified Behavioural Pain Scale, and mother-infant proximity indexes were assigned based on muted video-tracks.Results: When assessed for pain, the infants in the maternal singing group were assigned significantly lower movement indexes (p = 0.032) and marginally significantly lower cry indexes (p = 0.076). A higher frequency of mother-to-infant gaze (p < 0.005) was observed in the singing group dyads. Finally, the intervention group mothers' self-perceived ease in singing was correlated with their previous singing experience and with lower anxiety following the vaccination procedure (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Maternal singing during immunisation procedures benefits both mothers and babies. The practice of singing is a biologically rooted and adaptive form of intuitive parental communication that should be encouraged, especially in at-risk populations.
immunisation,maternal singing,non-pharmacological intervention,pain,proximity
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